just a quick remark: do not use the “half native resolution”, as it is noticeably worse than a scaled down “full resolution” image. This has been the subject of several discussions here on the forum, already at times were the supporting software was based on picamera, not picamera2. With the old picamera-lib, “mode 2” was much inferior than a rescaled “mode 3”.
Here’s an old comparison between these modes
from this discussion. You definitely need to view the above image at full resolution to notice the differences between half (“mode 2”) and full (“mode 3”) resolution mode of the HQ sensor in full glory.
Still, looking at the dirt particles in your example, there seems to be quite some softness with the HQ/Schneider combination, compared to the DSLR. From my experience, setting focus with these small formats is quite challenging.
Your DSLR capture seems to have a slight magenta tint…