Mechanical Machine Design

Thank you for the information. I’m doing a simple build based on steppers directly driving the spools. Haven’t really started, would be first doing a test setup to better understand the capabilities/limitations. Plan to do it with the raspberry pico, and will share the results in the forum.

The forum has some information on the results of lenses, particularly those used with the raspberry pi HQ camera. I’ve recently got an HQ, and tested it with the same lens I used with the DSLR, which is a Schneider Componnon 50mm/2.8. Also used have a Nikkor EL 50mm/2.8. Both provide really good results, with the Schneider providing a bit better sharpness away from the center. This site has been shared before and provides a really good reference comparison between some typical enlarger lenses.

PS. This is a good thread on the elements to mount the lenses to a C/CS.