Raspberry HQ - capturing or extracting raw values

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Simulated Color Target Experiment
Here the results of a quick test of the imprinting a color chart with the range and offset of the raw value channels.
This is how the file looks, all nodes disabled.

Color match function of Resolve does not handle well a large offset. So the first node is the same as in the experiment with the color bars. I also left the RGB mixer settings previously adjusted with the color bars. The output is balanced, with somewhat dim colors. No color match was used in this node, so it somewhat validates that the settings in the previous experiment were not bad at all.

On the second node, color match was performed on the imprinted target. Note that to obtain rich colors, the target color space is Rec 709.

And lastly, a node to adjust for taste, where I slightly shifted the gamma off the cyan to bring more natural skin tone and colors.

This method initial test produced great results, greatly simplifying the adjustment of the binned image.

The approach can also be used to simplify color correction of faded film, as the target offset/range will directly reflect the film color channels themselves.

This rabbit hole was worth the rabbit!

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