Alpha-Release of new picamera-lib: "picamera2" ... - and beyond

Ran my bench again

Metadata only Spf: 0.08499226570129395 Fps: 11.765776470938057
Make_array: Spf: 0.1462397575378418 Fps: 6.838085735619703
CV Jpeg encode : Spf: 0.20502793788909912 Fps: 4.877384078948822
DNG encode : Spf: 0.1687650442123413 Fps: 5.9253976714620675

Metadata only Spf: 0.08107540607452392 Fps: 12.33419662530962
Make_array: Spf: 0.10425117015838624 Fps: 9.59221847084042
CV Jpeg encode : Spf: 0.18520433902740477 Fps: 5.399441531723668
DNG encode : Spf: 0.9441025495529175 Fps: 1.059206969066605

As expected it’s faster in uncompressed for raw but it slows down the main stream.
The uncomprres function in python should not be very efficient!