My 16mm film scanner

The Nikkor EL 50 has a 39mm lens mount (the filter ring is 40.5mm (1) ). The Schneider Componon S 50 is also 39mm lens mount (the filter ring is 43mm).

With the HQ camera, and a 16mm size target, is there a need to reverse mount? There may be different views, my guess is no need to. So the items below are for normal (not reversed) mounting.

  1. Starting the the lens mount 39mm male.
    M39-M42 adapter ring
  2. What is the spacing needed ? that will vary 16/8 and full film or only exposed image.
    T42 is common, so I am buying to have flexibility set of extension tubes to be able to change/adjust as needed. (2)
  3. Lastly, move from 42mm to CS mount (HQ removing the C to CS ring).
    42mm to C-mount adapter will do.
  4. Mount directly to the HQ sensor.

This thread has good examples of results with the Schneider, but for extension purposes the Nikkor EL 50mm is similar.


  • (1) Filter thread of the Nikkor EL that I have is 40.5mm, although some spec sheets indicate 39mm.
  • (2) T42 is 0.75mm pitch. Other 42mm items are 1.0mm pitch. See posting below for sequence with adapters for thread pitch.