Hi all. After a long hiatus, I’m working on Kinograph again. I’m looking to deliver beta machines soon to pilot partners, and I would love to reconnect with you all.
I’d like to propose a virtual “town hall” meeting in which I can present the current state of the project and hear what you’d like to see happen with the machine and community moving forward. I’d also like to discuss the sharing of admin privileges for this forum so that it can continue to thrive without a single point of failure (me).
If you’re interested, please let me know here. CC’ing some of the most active folks below so they are notified, but anyone is welcome to reply.
@matthewepler Thank you for the email invite. I am working conflict of schedule, will do my best to attend. If unable, would be great to catchup to your presentation.
Not sure if I can make it, but on a sidenote: what i’m willing to do is throw some € in to get email notifications enabled & working, I just missed the whole thing and a (ai) weekly summary of forum activities would be so helpful
greets simon
I am in to attend the meeting - see you there. However, it seems that the heavy hitters in the forum are not available. Would it not be prudent to postpone and coordinate to have them participate? Seems like @friolator@cpixip@PM490 are unlikely to attend because of schedule conflicts - They have been pillars of the forum and have elevated the knowledge base to great heights. I don’t know how we could have a town hall without those guys, IMHO…
However, I must admit that I have a serious problem with the language barrier.
I am writing these lines and the rest of my posts thanks to the help of Google Translator.
Many thanks to @matthewepler for his kind invitation.